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We are profoundly grateful to the the thousands of people from all walks of life who advocated for justice, fairness, and inclusion for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender citizens of Connecticut, and we celebrate with great joy the same-sex couples who are now happily married thanks to your efforts.

Watch this video and see Connecticut same-sex couples and allies talk about how meaningful marriage equality has been to them.



Access Love Makes a Family’s historical records:
The Love Makes a Family archives are housed at Yale University, and will be available to the public by the spring of 2010 for research and education. You can visit this collection of historical information at Yale University Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library, 128 Wall Street, New Haven, CT 06520-8240 New Haven, CT or call (203) 432-1735.

Questions and Answers about Connecticut’s transition from civil unions to marriages on Oct. 10, 2010:
Learn more here

Are you a same-sex couple who wants to get married in Connecticut?
Download GLAD’s legal guide on How to Get Married in Connecticut
View a sample CT marriage license application and a CT marriage worksheet

Legal information
Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD): 1-800-455-GLAD
Lambda Legal: 212-809-8585
CT Women’s Education and Legal Fund (CWEALF): 860-247-6090

GLAD is researching the ways in which same-sex married couples continue to be impacted by the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
Click here to take GLAD’s survey

Are you a member of the clergy who wants to be involved in the campaign for LGBT civil rights in Connecticut?
Contact Rev. Joshua Mason Pawelek at

Community Education:
Would you like a trained speaker to come to your class, faith community, or civic group to talk about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues? Contact Stonewall Speakers at 860-523-9799 or visit

Support other LGBT organizations:
Each of the organizations below has its own unique mission and activities. Many would welcome your volunteer and financial support. Others will alert you when action needs to be taken on a legislative issue. All of them will provide you with important information to keep you abreast of LGBT issues affecting Connecticut citizens:


ACLU of Connecticut

Connecticut Alliance for Business Opportunities (CABO)

Connecticut AIDS Resource Coalition (CARC)

Connecticut Latinos Achieving Rights and Opportunities (CLARO)

Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition

Connecticut Women's Education and Legal Fund (CWEALF)


Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN)

Hartford Gay and Lesbian Health Collective

Pride at Work

True Colors


Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD)




Equality Federation

Freedom to Marry

Human Rights Campaign (HRC)

Lambda Legal

National Black Justice Coalition

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force


New Haven Pride Center

Triangle Community Center (Norwalk)

PFLAG, Greater New Haven

PFLAG, Hartford

PFLAG, Southeastern



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