John H. Foster

Tribute to Paul L. Busch

Each of us has our own memories of our associations with Paul.  For many of us here today, those memories go back for many years.  Few of us will ever forget him.

I first met Paul in 1961 when he joined the firm.  I did not participate in hiring Paul, but was pleased to have someone joining us who had spent time in Boston and who I thought would speak Bostonian English, the real English, but then I found that he was from the Bronx.

Paul came to us after he had heard about Bob Mitchell, one of our senior partners, from a professor at Harvard, because he wanted to work and learn from such an outstanding consulting engineer.

We quickly recognized Paul as a very bright young guy who had a great capacity for work and who wanted to learn about everything.  We found out that he was actually a Democrat and we kidded him about that for many years.

Before long Paul began to question the establishment.  He was not quite a rebel, but he wanted to know why!  I look back now and saw changes as he grew in respnsibility and became part of the establishment.  He became a believer and one might say that he sounded like some Republicans in his later years.

It was clear in those earlier days that Paul was continuing on a curve of life-long learning. He had his nose into everything!  He was curious, to say the least.  He cared about the details.  At times I thought that he was checking up on us, but he was developing passions that became so clear in recent years.  He had a strong base to build on.

I think that Paul became effective at understanding client needs before that became a popular program.  He was great in solving client problems becasue he was able to develop a vision of solutions and to look beyond common problems.  Without doubt Paul had become an articulate spokesman for our profession who cared about our obligations to society, about the joy of our service.

Paul enjoyed his work more than anyone I know, but his work was not finished.  He has left us far too soon.

I am reminded of those words by Robert Frost--  

The words are lovely, dark and deep But I have promises to keep And miles to go before I sleep And miles to go before I sleep

We were all members of Paul's extended family.  When he said that he loved me the day before he passed away, I know that he was speaking to all of you, to our clients and to those who now have the responsibility to carry on the tradition of the firm into the next millenium.

We now bid Paul farewell.  May God bless you, Paul.  We love you and we always will.