[Fox goes here]

Lists of Things
of Relatively Little Importance,
All Told

Additional link to embarrassing noncurrent photographs

Places I've lived that I can call to mind right now, in roughly chronological order
  • Phoenix, AZ (born)
  • Prescott, AZ
  • Boulder Dam, CA
  • Van Nuys, CA
  • Reseda, CA
  • Encino, CA
  • Northridge, CA
  • White Oak, CA
  • Tuscon, AZ
  • Lompoc, CA
  • Woodland Hills, CA
  • Orange, CA
  • Sherman, TX
  • Orange, CA
  • Sherman, TX
  • Canoga Park, CA
  • New Haven, CT
  • New York, NY
  • Washington, DC
  • New York, NY
  • Wilton, CT

Ethnic, racial & national origins so far as I'm aware
  • 1/2 English & Welsh
  • 1/4 Slavic (Ukrainian, White Russian)
  • 1/8 Dutch
  • 1/16 Native American (Cherokee & Blackfoot)
  • etc.

Plays, musicals and operas I've been in

  • Oklahoma (Curly)
  • Flower Drum Song (Wang Ta....I blush and hide my face)
  • Rigoletto (chorus)
  • Die Fledermaus (chorus)
  • The Frogs, Sondheim (singing chorus)
  • Iolanthe (Lord Mountararat)
  • Pirates of Penzance (Police Sergeant)
  • Threepenny Opera (Mr. Peachum)
  • The Mikado (The Mikado)
Languages I've actually studied formally Languages I can still speak sort of
  • Classical Latin (3 yrs)
  • Medieval Latin (1 yr)
  • French (3 yrs)
  • Modern German (7 yrs)
  • Old High German (1 yr)
  • Middle High German (2 yrs)
  • Old Nordic (1 yr)
  • Russian (2 yrs)
People I've known personally who've died of AIDS
  • Bob Dunn
  • Bill Harwood
  • Frank Gaines
  • Chris Naylor
  • David Nieto
  • Peter Orr
  • Peter Mark Schifter
  • Timothy Patrick Murphy
  • Jon Cox
  • Dan King
  • David Root
  • Arnie Bellfontaine
  • Tom Stoddard

My two major partner-type relationships

Religions foisted on me by parental units Religions foisted on me by me
  • Presbyterianism (5 yrs)
  • Catholicism (1 yr)
  • Jehovah's Witness-ism
      ... (7 yrs, I kid you not)
  • Methodism (1 yr)
  • Marxism (7 yrs)
  • Democratic Socialism (4 yrs)
  • Atheism (20 years & counting)
  • Secular Humanism (20 years)
  • Judaism (5+)
  • Things I actually believe in

    ..... the world view expressed by thoughtful, reform Judaism ...

    Musical instruments I used to play Musical instruments I still pretend to play
    Tenor sax
    Bass drum

    Schools attended

    1st: Stagg Street Elementary, Northridge, CA
    2nd: Tulsa Street Elementary School, Granada Hills, CA
    3rd-4th: Tuscon, AZ
    5th-6th: Hapgood Elementary, Lompoc, CA
    7th: Lompoc Junior High School, Lompoc, CA
    8th: Lompoc Junior High, Lompoc, CA
           Charles Evan Hughes Jr High, Woodland Hills, CA
           McPherson Jr High, Orange, CA
    9th: Dillingham Jr. High, Sherman, TX
    10th: El Modena High School, Orange, CA
    11th: Sherman HIgh School, Sherman, TX
    12th: Canoga Park High School, Canoga Park, CA

    LAST REVISION: 8/13/2012