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Getting Married in Connecticut:
What You Need to Know


When did same-sex couples begin to marry in Connecticut?
Same-sex couples began getting marriage licenses at town halls in Connecticut beginning on November 12th shortly after 9:30am, after judgment in the Kerrigan case was entered in New Haven Superior Court. View the photos of this historic day here.

Legal Information from Attorneys at GLAD on Getting Married
Download GLAD's legal guide on How to Get Married in Connecticut

Getting Your Marriage License:
Locations of Connecticut Town Halls
Click here for more info

View a sample CT marriage license application here and a CT marriage worksheet here

See our list of Connecticut Clergy for Marriage Equality--many are ready and waiting to marry same-sex couples! Please contact them directly for more information. Click here for the list.

See our list of Justices of the Peace
who will perform marriages Click here

Send Us Your Marriage Photos for our Website! 
We have a beautiful collection of photos from happy Connecticut couples here. E-mail your favorites to carol@lmfct.org

We have created a Love Makes a Family Wedding Catalog for all the supportive businesses, churches, and organizations who are rolling out the red carpet for same-sex weddings!
As same-sex couples plan their weddings, they are asking us who wants their business. Help us connect them with you. Purchase your listing today! Click here for details.

Need Legal Advice Before You Tie the Knot?
Call GLAD's hotline with your legal quesions: 1-800-455-GLAD

You can watch "Legal Marriage Counseling" right on our website here  Before you get married, get the information you need! Attorneys Ben Klein and Maureen Murphy discuss issues such as what to do with civil unions, taxes, and health insurance. Watch it here

Are you planning on getting married?
Love Makes a Family is coordinating interviews with the media, and we need couples to talk with the press about your wedding plans! Contact Carol Buckheit at 860-525-7777, x313 or carol@lmfct.org.

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