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Gov. Rell Signs Same-Sex Marriage Codification Bill into Law

Bill Passed Legislature with Strong Bipartisan Support Bill contains reasonable exceptions to ensure religious freedoms

Hartford—Late last night, the Connecticut legislature passed SB 899-- the marriage codification bill-- with overwhelming bipartisan support: 28-7 in the Senate and 100-44 in the House. Senator Andrew McDonald and Representative Michael Lawlor provided extraordinary leadership in ensuring the passage of the bill. Governor Rell promptly signed the bill today.

 “This bipartisan vote is a strong affirmation of the Kerrigan decision and the dignity and respect of same-sex couples and their families,” said Anne Stanback, Executive Director of Love Makes a Family. “Today, fairness won out over fear.”

Despite furious lobbying and an expensive ad campaign by anti-gay opponents, the expected amendments to retain insulting, anti-gay language and to allow businesses or individuals to discriminate had little support. The bill does not undermine state anti-discrimination laws, and it does not allow state actors such as Justices of the Peace or individuals such as florists to discriminate.

“The approved bill includes reasonable exceptions to ensure religious freedom for clergy and religious organizations, exceptions that already exist in state law,” said Stanback.

SB 899 conforms state statutes to the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Kerrigan case, provides recognition, by the state of Connecticut, of marriages, civil unions, and domestic partnerships from other states which provide substantially similar benefits to marriage, and clarifies the status of civil unions, merging them with marriages after October, 2010.


Love Makes a Family is a statewide coalition of organizations and individuals leading the campaign for marriage equality for same-sex couples in Connecticut.


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