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Questions and Answers on Connecticut's Transition from Civil Union to Marriage

     Download GLAD's Q & A here

On April 22nd, SB 899 (the marriage codification bill) passed the CT Senate with no discriminatory amendments by a vote of 28 to 7, and passed the House 100-44! Gov. Rell signed the bill the next morning.

The new law removes demeaning anti-gay language from CT statute, makes CT law consistent with the Kerrigan Supreme Court decision, and provides a process for merging civil unions and marriages.

--Read the press release here
--See how Senators voted
--See how the House voted
--See the photos: A historic vote!
--Read the news articles

Blog  Image

In the long run, we may have just scored a victory in CA

United We Mourn, United We Stand
Bilerico Project

After CA ruling, will more states favor same-sex marriage?

The same-sex marriage debate: Economy enters the brawl a little more

Daily Kos

The President meets with Judy Shepard re: hate crimes legislation

Pam’s House Blend

Marie Osmond: So what if my daughter is gay?

How Hospitals Treat Same-Sex Couples
NY Times blog

NOM ads on GLBT sites: A Phenomenal Waste of Money
The Bilerico Project

Will Clergy Lead the Way on LGBT Equality?
Huffington Post

Americans Shift Sharply in Favor of Marriage
Box Turtle Bulletin

LMF Celebrates Successes; will close doors at year's end
Executive Director Anne Stanback to Step Down in July

April 1, 2009--Standing with a dozen other Connecticut lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) leaders at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford, Executive Director Anne Stanback announced today that, with marriage equality secure and other LGBT issues now in the forefront, Love Makes a Family will cease operations on December 31st. .

A Letter to our Friends and Supporters

Read LMF’s Press Release

Questions and Answers on the Future of LMF

Watch the press conference!

View the Photo Album from LMF’s Press Conference

  video_graphic_grey Lambda Legal Wins Marriage Equality in Iowa!
Same-Sex Couples Began Marrying in Iowa on 4/27/09

Left Alone
Thousands of people have lost everything because federal law does not protect same-sex couples in case of a loss of a loved one.

Justice of the Peace Laura Minor of Bristol, CT talks about the thrill of marrying same-sex couples in Connecticut. On November 12, 2008, same-sex couples began to legally marry in the state.


Important links graphic


The Love Makes a Family Foundation and Fran Rzeznik collaborated to produce Marriage Makes A Word of Difference. Watch it right on our website!  Winner of an Audience Award at the 2008 CT Gay Lesbian Film Festival. 
Watch it here


 Events Graphic

Community forum fostering tolerance and acceptance for LGBT youth. 5/28, 5-9pm at UConn School of Social Work in W. Hartford

Good-Bye Party for Anne Stanback! 6/18, 5:30-8pm, O’Porto Restaurant in Harford. RSVP to carol@lmfct.org  

Volunteer Now

Volunteer at the CT Pride Festival on June 6th, anytime from 11am-5pm at Bushnell Park in Hartford.
Contact Matt at 860-525-7777 x304 or matt@lmfct.org to volunteer at the LMF table!

Happy 5th Marriage Anniversary, Massachusetts!

Five years ago on May 17th, same-sex couples began to legally marry in Massachusetts, and over 10,000 couples have been married in since then! Watch the video on how marriage equality in MA has benefited society:


The Williams Institute has just released a new study showing that after 5 years, Massachusetts has attracted highly-skilled workers and experienced an economic boost of over $100 million. Learn more

Breaking News 

Court Upholds Prop 8, But Lets Marriages Stand
San Francisco Chronicle 5/26/09 

In response to the CA Supreme Court decision upholding Prop 8, the Courage Campaign is launching this TV ad today to help restore marriage equality in CA. See the stories of real people affected by the discriminatory Proposition 8.


The Battle Over Benefits for Same-Sex Spouses
Wall Street Journal 5/20/09

Same-sex couples tie the knot
Fairfield Sun 05/ 07/09

Kept from a Dying Partner’s Bedside
New York Times 5/19/09

Study: Gay marriages pump $111 million into Mass
Boston Globe 5/17/09

Same-Sex Marriage: Faiths' Views are Wide Ranging
Stamford Advocate, 5/12/09

For Gay Couples, Obstacles to Health Insurance
New York Times, 5/10/09

Out of Towners Tie the Knot in CT 
Norwalk Hour, 5/10/09

5 Years on, gay marriage debate fades in Mass.
Associated Press, 5/09/09

This is a question of fairness
New York Times, editorial, 5/8/09

Baldacci signs same-sex marriage into law
The Portland Press Herald 5/6/09

Love Makes a Family
and PFLAG mourn the loss of John Currie
, a loyal, dedicated, and persistent advocate for equality for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people in Connecticut. 

His memorial service is on
June 6th at 11am at Immanuel Congregational Church, 10 Woodland Street, Hartford, CT

John Currie

Allies Graphic

A Special Exhibit at CCSU, Burritt Library (Special Collections): Since Stonewall--Forty Years of GLBT Activism. June 1-30. Opening reception; 6/4 6-8pm. RSVP to gagliardi@ccsu.edu

Connecticut Pride Festival, Bushnell Park in Hartford, 6/6, 11am-5pm.

Pride 2009, Hosted by the Triangle Community Center,
6/20, 1-4pm, St. Paul’s on the Green, East Norwalk, CT. TCCenter@aol.com for info

Community forum fostering tolerance and acceptance for LGBT youth. 5/28, 5-9pm at UConn School of Social Work in W Hartford

Shoreline Unitarian Church GLBT Film Series, 7:30pm
6/2: Transamerica
6/9: Prayers for Bobby
6/16: The Laramie Project
6/23: The Times of Harvey Milk

VICTORY! On October 10, 2008, the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled in the Kerrigan case that same-sex couples should have the right to marry.

Read the Kerrigan decision
HERE, and read the case documents HERE.

March, 2009: GLAD files lawsuit to challenge the discriminatory DOMA!

Questions and Answers
on Gill et al. v. Department of Personnel Management
Click here

Meet the Gill plaintiffs: Each has been married in MA yet denied critical spousal protections under federal law
Click here

Summary of the Gill case
Click here


“DOMA”: Federal Discrimination Against Same-Sex Married Couples (GLAD)

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A Gaythering Storm:
There is a storm being caused by gay marriage and we are all in serious trouble. A must see! The hilarious spoof on the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage's Gathering Storm ads.



Anti-Discrimination Laws Would Protect
Transgender Youth!

Youth in harm's way
Read Robin McHaelen's powerful op-ed in the Meriden Record-Journal calling for protections for gender variant kids in Connecticut schools.

Transgender Children: Out of the Shadows
(8 min)
This film by Jenn Burleton was viewed more than 300,000 times and translated into several languages. It is a timely film about an issue facing children and youth that is far too often overlooked or sensationalized for political reasons.


Transgender People
in the News

When a staffer switches genders (CNN Money)
Coping with major changes can flummox a workplace, but you can protect your bottom line and your employees by promoting tolerance and respect.

‘Maddy’ Just Might Work After All  (NY Times)

Learn more about efforts to pass Gender Identity and Expression anti-discrimination legislation this session in CT


Nearly 300 people partied the night away at Eat, Drink, & Be Married! on April 18th, raising $29,000 for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender equality in Connecticut! View photos here

 EDBM  Photo by Chion
Photo by Chion Wolf

Just Married

See more photos of the happy couples here!

LMF photo album graphic

Find photographers, clergy, DJs, justices of the peace, and more--
all ready and waiting to be a part of your wedding plans!

Check out our wedding catalog.

Getting married in Connecticut

Victory! Free to Marry in Connecticut

Victory! Marriage Equality in Connecticut, captures all the exhilaration and excitement of our marriage win. Click the book cover above to see the pages. Want your own copy? It’s available for a $75 donation to LMF. Contact carol@lmfct.org or call 860-525-7777, x313.


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